Big Brother Africa-Amplified: Millicent and Felicia fight over who sleeps with Wendall Last Night.

Wendall was under attack from Malawi's Felicia and Kenya's Millicent
Last Night is a night you will remind Wendall about even after three years and will tell you that he can't forget such a night. It was about time for Biggie to switch off the lights for the housemates to sleep after having gone through the nominations stress when all this happened
It is not clear if Malawi's Felicia and Kenya's Millicent were killing stress but at least it left Zimbabwe's Wendall disturbed in the knees.
Wendall was in his bed as Felicia and Millicent were about to tear themselves on who should sleep with Wendall that night. They even gave Wendall a chance to make a choice between the girls and all he did was just to smile and holding tight to his pillow.
Felicia was in shorts as Millicent had a black panty under her night gown that she constantly exposed to Wendall to grab his attention. Millicent at one point developed ideas of even putting their beds together now that they are sleeping next to each other.
Millicent kept on arguing with Felicia as to who was better suited to sleep with him. The Kenyan housemate actually went right on top of Wendall and asked him who he was interested in and the pilot from Malawi was only smiling back.
Millicent was the babe who kissed with Ghana's Alex and was in a tight race with Vimbai for Alex's love but Biggie comes up with plans always and this time around created another house which left them in the Heads house as Alex crossed to the Tails house.
Our online snoops logged off from here as the girls were still debating on who should hit the ice first but at least this is an area to watch over the next days, we will keep you posted.   
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